- Código
from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox import tkSimpleDialog def bloq(): for i in range(0, 9): lisb[i].config(state="disable") def inij(): for i in range(0, 9): lisb[i].config(state="normal") lisb[i].config(bg="white") lisb[i].config(text="") tab[i] = "N" global nomj1, nomj2 # indica a que variables queremos acceder nomj1 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Jugador", "Jugador 1: ") nomj2 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Jugador", "Jugador 2: ") turj.set("Turno: " + nomj1) def cam(num): global turno, nomj1, nomj2 if tab[num] == "N" and turno == 0: lisb[num].config(text="X") lisb[num].config(bg="pink") tab[num] = "X" turno = 1 turj.set("Turno: " + nomj2) elif tab[num] == "N" and turno == 1: lisb[num].config(text="O") lisb[num].config(bg="DEEPPINK") tab[num] = "O" turno = 0 turj.set("Turno: " + nomj1) lisb[num].config(state="disable") verif() def verif(): if (tab[0] == "X" and tab[1] == "X" and tab[2] == "X") or (tab[3] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[5] == "X") or ( tab[6] == "X" and tab[7] == "X" and tab[8] == "X"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj1) elif (tab[0] == "X" and tab[3] == "X" and tab[6] == "X") or (tab[1] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[7] == "X") or ( tab[2] == "X" and tab[5] == "X" and tab[8] == "X"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj1) elif (tab[0] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[8] == "X") or (tab[2] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[6] == "X"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj1) elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[1] == "O" and tab[2] == "O") or (tab[3] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[5] == "O") or ( tab[6] == "O" and tab[7] == "O" and tab[8] == "O"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj2) elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[3] == "O" and tab[6] == "O") or (tab[1] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[7] == "O") or ( tab[2] == "O" and tab[5] == "O" and tab[8] == "O"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj2) elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[8] == "O") or (tab[2] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[6] == "O"): bloq() tkMessageBox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste: " + nomj2) ven = Tk() ven.geometry("370x460") ven.config(bg="DEEPPINK4") ven.title("Juego del gato") turno = 0 nomj1 = ""nomj2 = "" lisb = [] tab = [] turj = StringVar() for i in range(0, 9): tab.append("N") b0 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(0)) lisb.append(b0) b0.place(x=50, y=50) b1 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(1)) lisb.append(b1) b1.place(x=150, y=50) b2 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(2)) lisb.append(b2) b2.place(x=250, y=50) b3 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(3)) lisb.append(b3) b3.place(x=50, y=150) b4 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(4)) lisb.append(b4) b4.place(x=150, y=150) b5 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(5)) lisb.append(b5) b5.place(x=250, y=150) b6 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(6)) lisb.append(b6) b6.place(x=50, y=250) b7 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(7)) lisb.append(b7) b7.place(x=150, y=250) b8 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(8)) lisb.append(b8) b8.place(x=250, y=250) tue = Label(ven, textvariable=turj).place(x=140, y=10) bini = Button(ven, bg='DEEPPINK3', fg='white', text='Iniciar', cursor="sizing", width=15, height=3, command=inij).place(x=130, y=360) bloq() linea = Canvas(ven, width=310, height=10) linea.place(x=30, y=120) linea.create_line(310, 0, 0, 0, width=25, fill='white') l2 = Canvas(ven, width=310, height=10) l2.place(x=30, y=220) l2.create_line(310, 0, 0, 0, width=25, fill='white') l3 = Canvas(ven, width=10, height=310) l3.place(x=130, y=25) l3.create_line(0, 310, 0, 0, width=25, fill='white') l4 = Canvas(ven, width=10, height=310) l4.place(x=230, y=25) l4.create_line(0, 310, 0, 0, width=25, fill='white') ven.mainloop()
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